When I was younger, I often heard the grown ups say “pepper is just for taste” or “pepper does not have any nutritional value in the body.” Well, am confident that after you`re done reading this article, you will have a change of thought.
    The consumption of spices example sweet tasty delicious pepper could be associated to low rate of mortality. This research was carried out on the people of china.

Capsaicin, the main active ingredient in chillies, may improve blood cholesterol levels and inflammation (Credit: Getty Images)
  The  major findings were that higher intake of spicy foods is related to a lower risk of mortality, particularly deaths due to cancer, heart disease, and respiratory diseases,” says researcher Lu Qi, professor of nutrition at Harvard's school of public health.
       This does not, however, mean that starting to eat large quantities of chilli peppers will protect your health – or protect you from respiratory illness – in the short-term.
       It’s important to remember that the China study followed people for a median time of seven years each. So even if chillies had a protective effect on participants’ health, rather than the people who ate chillies happening to be healthier to begin with, the effect likely built up over time – not within weeks or months.
    Qi tried to separate the effects of chilli consumption from everything else by controlling for age, sex, education level, marital status, diet and lifestyle factors including alcohol intake, smoking and physical activity. He says the lower risk of disease relating to eating chillies may be partly due to capsaicin. {a colorless pungent crystalline compound derived from Capsicum, sourse of the hotness of hot pepper, such as chilli, cayenne and jalapeno.}
“Certain ingredients in spicy foods, such as capsaicin, have been found to improve metabolic status, such as lipid profiles” – cholesterol in the blood – “and inflammation, and these may partly account for the observations in our study.”
A number of studies also have shown that capsaicin can increase the amount of energy we burn and can decrease our appetites.
Zumin Shi, associate professor at Qatar University's human nutrition department, has found that chilli consumption is associated with lower risk of obesity and is beneficial for high blood pressure. So when she studied the effects of chilli pepper consumption on cognitive function, she expected a hat trick.  
In one study, people who ate more chillies had poorer cognitive function
But when she measured Chinese adults’ cognitive function against their chilli consumption, she found that people who ate more chillies had poorer cognitive function. This effect was strongest with memory: chilli intake above 50g per day was associated with almost double the risk of self-reported poor memory. Still, it’s worth noting that self-reported data is widely considered unreliable.
The next time you hear someone try to to disregard the importance of something created by God, please think twice. (Genesis 1:30). I could understand when allergies are involved but aside that, pepper is good for the body.


Anonymous said...

wow i hardly knew that


glad i could be of assistance